Cumbrae Marine

Cumbrae Marine


The waters surrounding the Cumbraes are teeming with marine wildlife and seabirds of every description. Dolphins, Porpoises and Seals can be spotted almost daily with the appearance of Minke Whales also being possible. Basking Sharks are to be seen slowly cruising on the surface , normally later in the summer, when the plankton (on which they feed ) count is at its highest . Diving and Aquatic Seabirds such as Gannets , Terns , Guillemots and Cormorants are a common site feeding on the fish in deeper waters with many varieties of water based fowl including  Eider Ducks , Geese and Swans  are always in attendance in the shallower areas around the Eilans in Millport Bay and along the shore lines of the Greater and Lesser Cumbraes. Lobster and Crab Pots are normally hauled daily from the sea close by the shoreline of the  Lesser  ' Wee'  Cumbrae during the trips , so come along and see some of the huge variety  of amazing seabed dwellers that turn up on the boat.

Operating Times:

Easter weekend - September weekend ) Trip duration  is  1 Hour leaving Millport Pier  on the hour 1pm to 5pm for up to 12 passengers per trip

Adults :- £12.50
Children (5-15) :- £7.50
Under 5 :- No Charge

Click for details on Diving Charters

Click for det ails on Se a Angl ing  trips

Information about 'MV Seren Las'

Built by Marine Mouldings and based on the  Hugh Easton Bounty Boats Starfish 10 design , M.V. Seren Las is an extremely strong and safe 10.6 metre (35ft) LOA vessel . The design incorporates 2 full height  bulkheads below the sealed weatherdeck which gives immense strength and rigidity to the structure and  which also creates 3  independent buoyant compartments. The high bow with fine entry and deep gunwales make for  a very dry , safe and comfortable boat in any sea conditions. She is powered by a Caterpillar Marine 450 HP  turbocharged engine and heavy duty commercial Twin Disc hydraulic gearbox driving a 4 Blade Propeller. A Bow Thruster, Anchor Handling Capstan and, Diver Lift is fitted with Wheelchair Access available. Max speed is 20 + knots ( dependent on deck load ) with a normal cruise speed of 13-14 knots fully loaded . MCA Category COP 2 coded ( 60 mile day /night service)  for 12 passengers + 2 crew and a heated wheelhouse with WC facilities on board.