Dumfries House

Dumfries House

Built between 1754 and 1759 for the 5th Earl of Dumfries, and with a unique collection of Chippendale furniture, the House has been described as an 18th century time-capsule since the principal rooms and their contents have remained virtually unchanged for 250 years.

Built between 1754 and 1759, the House has been described as an 18th Century time-capsule. In 2007, HRH Prince Charles headed a consortium that purchased the House to keep it accessible to the public. Several exciting projects are in motion that will create a lasting legacy.

In June 2007, HRH The Prince of Wales, under his title as the Great Steward of Scotland, headed a consortium of charities and heritage bodies to purchase this unique house, its contents and adjoining land, in order to keep this historical jewel intact and accessible to the public.

However, the House is only the beginning. HRH The Prince Charles has also set in motion several exciting projects that will not only reinvigorate the surrounding area, but will also create a lasting and creative legacy for many years to come.

As you can see, Dumfries House is an historical gem that is perfectly set for a brighter future...a future that involves supporters young and old and from far and wide, and that includes you!

You can find out how to get more involved by clicking here.

Season Dates and Opening times

The House will open to the public on 25th April 2011.

Visitors may pre-book tickets on-line or over the phone from 17th March 2011.

During the 2011 season the House will be open from Sunday to Friday. From time to time it will be closed to the general public for private functions and events.

The Estate is open every day until 18:00 or dusk.

Adults: £8.50;

Children aged 5 to 16: £4.00;

Under 5s: Free (due to space restrictions, baby buggies are not permitted on guided tours)

Tickets may be purchased in advance by calling the Booking Line on 01290 421742 or booked online. Same day tickets may be reserved by calling 01290 421742

Please note: Entry to Dumfries House is no longer via the front steps. Visitors with pre-booked tickets are required to make their way on foot to the new main visitor entrance signposted at the West Wing of Dumfries House. Visitors may 'check-in' to the visitor entrance up to 20 minutes before their scheduled tour time and will have access to a waiting area and toilets.

Please arrive no later than 5 minutes before your scheduled tour time.

Visitors who have not pre-booked tickets are advised to telephone ahead of their visit to check tour availability and reserve places. Where space is available, tickets may be purchased and collected from the main visitor entrance.

Guided Tours

The guided tour lasts for approximately one hour. Tours are scheduled to depart every fifteen minutes. Tours are usually limited to a maximum number of 20 visitors. Please keep baggage brought into the House to a minimum. You may be asked to check large items into our cloakroom (including baby buggies).

We do ask visitors to wear 'sensible' shoes - floor surfaces inside the house may be uneven and 'stiletto-type' heels may damage delicate wooden floors. 

Photography is not permitted inside the House.

Disabled access, facilities and stairs

There are several flights of stairs within Dumfries House. With regret, access is therefore limited for wheelchair users and visitors with reduced mobility who wish to join a tour during the 2011 season. A wheelchair is available for use on the first floor only for visitors who can manage the stairs. The wheelchair must be booked in advance by calling 01290 421742.

The new Coach House Cafe is accessible by all wheelchair users. Portable stools are available to lend to visitors on guided tours (Max weight 16 stone).

Hearing helpers are available for hearing impaired visitors.

Please call 01290 425959 to discuss any concerns you may have ahead of your visit.

Toilet Facilities

Toilet facilities are available in the House via the main visitor entrance between 11.00am and 4.00pm every scheduled open day.


Light refreshments including soup, sandwiches and home baking can be purchased in our new Coach House café from 10.00am to 5.00pm, 7 days a week during the house's open season.

Due to fire regulations, capacity in the café is limited. Group restrictions apply.

Guided Tours & Refreshments

We recommend that groups pre-book a refreshment package. Please call 01290 421742 to discuss your groups requirements.

The Estate and Grounds are available for visitors to enjoy - picnics are allowed, but please ensure you take all litter home with you. We ask for dogs to be kept on a lead at all times and for visitors to be aware of possible movements of livestock and farm machinery on the Estate.

Access to the House is restricted on closed days and after 6pm when Estate gates are locked. All vehicles must leave the car park areas by this time.

Limited outdoor seating is available and picnic benches can be found at the Play Area.